• Specific science and technology application programs to solve the problem of people in the different region such as hill areas, coastal and arid zones. The setting of Vigyan Kendra for children and general people.
  • Promote & organize Audio visual and training, mobile science exhibition, chart show, Seminar, workshops, printing, publication & distribution, street plays for wide spread propagation of science, technology and scientific approach.
  • Work for transfer of science and technology from Urban to Rural area for better standard of living. Organize and to undertake appropriate Rural Technology to lead a decent life.
  • Utilize the available local natural resource with the help of science and technology to be self-reliant and to yield more.
  • Promote conservation of energy resources and to set up Biogas, Solar energy plants or other scientific energy resources and to improve compost & fertilizer, power sector etc.
  • Impact training to the teachers as well students to prepare low-cost and innovative teaching aids.
  • Explaining the scientific principle involving in miracles and thereby helping to eradicate myths and superstitions.
  • To support the talented students with innovative equipment for participation in different district, state and national level science exhibition.
  • To educate people regarding family planning, mass immunization diseases and their prevention, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, prevention of drug addiction etc. Organizing road safety programme for vehicle drivers.
  • To make aware people to refrain from harmful addiction and consumption of Alcoholic drinks, IEC activities against Dowry system, infanticide arranging
  • Awareness camps in above regard. To undertake all types of education, women awareness and women development programs for eradication of illiteracy.
  • To undertake Job orient training i.e. computer education, technical training i.e tailoring, embroidery etc.
  • To organize primary education, non-formal education, and adult education centers for the deprived group of people to create an environment for education.
  • To help meritorious and poor students on their study advancement, spread of education and of useful knowledge and of all kinds of sickness by any means what so over and eradication of evil customs habits and blind belief.
  • Organizing various educational programs for the youths belonging to Minority communities, Schedule Cast, and Schedule Tribe. To organize various job oriented training programmes for the youths.
  • To organize study tours, seminars, conference, camps, excursions, exhibitions and cultural functions.
  • Special training programme for SC, ST & OBC students for their Self-sustainability.
  • To organize different survey and research work on various aspects of rural development to know more on the issue.
  • To establish and to maintain libraries and information services cum centers for the students of training centers & general public as well.
  • To organize different training activities for the grass root level workers to raise their efficiency and skill.
  • To create awareness among people especially youth and women to protect and Preserve existing forest and to create awareness.
  • To undertake programs for aforestation and other for ecology development
  • To organize camps, seminars, literacy activities to create awareness among people for ecology development.
  • To work for promotion of ecology in the area.
  • Utilization of natural resources with the help of science and technology involving the masses and environmental conservation.
  • To undertake various sanitation program for up-liftment of better sanitation and eco-friendly environment for rural people.
  • To organize activities for development of physically handicapped and such other types
  • To provide Medical and Nutritional and either free or at minimum cost to the poor and the needy without grading caste and creed.
  • To protect, preserve and propagate environment and population control, promotion of social forestry and nursery etc.
  • To work for the promotion of general health condition of people
  • To undertake programs for aforestation and other for ecology development To work for development of Agriculture with application of appropriate technology of modern equipment, developed seeds, pesticides etc. to yield better.
  • To organize small and cottage industries in rural areas with help of Khadi and Village Udyog.
  • To organize deferent skill development training program to raise competency, capability and managerial ability of rural people for their economical development.
  • To enable the rural poor to establish their own organization to fulfilling the various objectives relating to malnutrition.
  • To purpose or otherwise obtain keep, feed and maintain cows, buffaloes and other cattle for the purpose to the poor people.
  • To organize any other activities relating to social and economical development as per the need of the hour.
  • To organize different income generating activities.
  • To organize activities like animal husbandry, fishery, poultry, Goatary, Diary Piggery, etc. for economic development.
  • Research development and demonstration programme to minimize occupational hazards of women.
  • Conduction of micro credit programme for the poor rural women (specially for scheduled cast, scheduled tribe and backward class) to initiate them for income generation programme to uplift their economic status as well life style.
  • To organize deferent training program for women so as to make efficiency to be self-reliant in the long run. To organize various income generating activities to make women economically established.
  • To open women centered welfare centers. Legal aid to women at their distress. Awareness building and capacity building training for women.
  • To promote for formation of women self-help group (S.H.G) and to impact training for capacity building to strengthen them and their S.H.G.
  • To undergo a change of consciousness, from a techno-economical consciousness to eco-nominal consciousness, from an alienating to participatory from an optimistic to holistic approach, from secular to spiritual.
  • To develop suitable sports infrastructure at different level, provide facilities for intensive coaching to players, sports person or job aspirants of different age group and different community and to organize formation of rural sports.
  • To co-operate to other institution in the field of activities among organization..
  • To provide guidance and assistance to organization of the poor including youth and women established and promoted by the society or other bodies organizations of similar objectives..
  • To work for development and proper rehabilitation of Leprosy orphans, Widow and destitute.
  • To work for bringing out unity and coherence among different Religious and Faiths.
  • To undertake and assist childcare and welfare program.
  • To support and assist as well as encourage the prevention of unhealthy literature, art, drama, journal publicity materials, Radio, TV, Video and films etc.
  • To encourage young person and support their anticipations and involvement and to open and run the social cultural contras for national integrity and development.
  • To guide and assist the programs arouse social and moral conscience of people.
  • To promote universal brotherhood through meeting and promote cultural information the youths of India and abroad irrespective of community and religious.
  • To celebrate important days and festivals and to inculcate to youth through spread and Swadeshi Ideology.
  • To maintain close contact with other institutions having similar or related objectives either wholly or practically by way as a member their of physical or other sorts of mutual assistance, amalgamation merger collaboration, Co-operation and in any other way the society may deem necessary.
  • To undertake one child family program for population control.
  • Creation of patriotism and leading of moral lift.
  • Removal of destructive prejudices and superstitions and blind believes through scientific temper.
  • To do all such lawful things as the society may deem fit for attainment of all or any of the objectives.
  • Carrying out the programmes of education training research and documentation in disaster reduction programmes, comprehensive rehabilitation programme for social and economical rehabilitation of disaster victims of earth quack, flood, cyclone etc.
  • To provide and accelerate public consciousness towards animal welfare.
  • To publish books, journals etc to aware the people regarding basic science environmental hazards, health problems and other social issues.
  • Conservation, promotion and dissemination of culture of the state by implementing multidimensional cultural activities..
  • Collection of books from various aspect to form library helping the general public to strengthen their concerning knowledge.
  • Creation of farmers club, eco club, Bhagabat tungi etc.
  • Preservation and collection of old Talapatra Pothi.
  • To promote for formation of male self-help group (M.S.H.G) and to impact training for capacity building to strengthen them and their M.S.H.G.


  • Specific science and technology application programmes to solve the problem of people in different region such as hill areas, coastal and arid zones. Setting of vigyan Kendra for children and general people.
  • Promote & organize Audio visual and training, mobile science exhibition, chart show, Seminar, workshops, printing, publication & distribution, street plays for wide spread propagation of science, technology and scientific approach.
  • Work for transfer of science and technology from Urban to Rural area for better standard of living. Organize and to undertake appropriate Rural Technology to lead a decent life.
  • Utilize the available local natural resource with the help of science and technology to be self-reliant and to yield more.
  • Promote conservation of energy resources and to set up Biogas, Solar energy plants or other scientific energy resources and to improve compost & fertilizer, power sector etc.
  • Impact training to the teachers as well students to prepare low cost and innovative teaching aids.
  • Explaining the scientific principle involving in miracles and thereby helping to eradicate myths and superstitions.
  • To support the talented students with innovative equipments for participation in different district, state and national level science exhibition.


  • To educate people regarding family planning, mass immunization diseases and their prevention, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, prevention of drug addiction etc. Organizing road safety programme for vehicle drivers.
  • To make aware people to refrain from harmful addiction and consumption of Alcoholic drinks, IEC activities against Dowry system, infanticide arranging
  • Awareness camps in above regard. To undertake all types of education, women awareness and women development programs for eradication of illiteracy.
  • To undertake Job orient training i.e. computer education, technical training i.e tailoring, embroidery etc.
  • To organize primary education, non-formal education, and adult education centers for the deprived group of people to create an environment for education.
  • To help meritorious and poor students on their study advancement, spread of education and of useful knowledge and of all kinds of sickness by any means what so over and eradication of evil customs habits and blind belief.
  • Organizing various educational programmes for the youths belonging to Minority communities, Schedule Cast, and Schedule Tribe. To organize various job oriented training programmes for the youths.


  • To organize study tours, seminars, conference, camps, excursions, exhibitions and cultural functions.
  • Special training programme for SC, ST & OBC students for their Self-sustainability.
  • To organize different survey and research work on various aspects of rural development to know more on the issue.
  • To establish and to maintain libraries and information services cum centers for the students of training centers & general public as well.
  • To organize different training activities for the grass root level workers to raise their efficiency and skill.


  • To create awareness among people especially youth and women to protect and Preserve existing forest and to create awareness.
  • To undertake programs for aforestation and other for ecology development
  • To organize camps, seminars, literacy activities to create awareness among people for ecology development.
  • To work for promotion of ecology in the area.
  • Utilization of natural resources with the help of science and technology involving the masses and environmental conservation.


  • To undertake various sanitation program for up-liftment of better sanitation and eco-friendly environment for rural people.
  • To organize activities for development of physically handicapped and such other types
  • To provide Medical and Nutritional and either free or at minimum cost to the poor and the needy without grading caste and creed.
  • To protect, preserve and propagate environment and population control, promotion of social forestry and nursery etc.
  • To work for promotion of general health condition of people


  • To undertake programs for aforestation and other for ecology development To work for development of Agriculture with application of appropriate technology of modern equipment, developed seeds, pesticides etc. to yield better.
  • To organize small and cottage industries in rural areas with help of Khadi and Village Udyog.
  • To organize deferent skill development training program to raise competency, capability and managerial ability of rural people for their economical development.
  • To enable the rural poor to establish their own organization to fulfilling the various objectives relating to malnutrition.
  • To purpose or otherwise obtain keep, feed and maintain cows, buffaloes and other cattle for the purpose to the poor people.
  • To organize any other activities relating to social and economical development as per the need of the hour.
  • To organize different income generating activities.
  • To organize activities like animal husbandry, fishery, poultry, Goatary, Diary Piggery, etc. for economic development.


  • Research development and demonstration programme to minimize occupational hazards of women.
  • Conduction of micro credit programme for the poor rural women (specially for scheduled cast, scheduled tribe and backward class) to initiate them for income generation programme to uplift their economic status as well life style.
  • To organize deferent training program for women so as to make efficiency to be self-reliant in the long run. To organize various income generating activities to make women economically established.
  • To open women centered welfare centers. Legal aid to women at their distress. Awareness building and capacity building training for women.
  • To promote for formation of women self-help group (S.H.G) and to impact training for capacity building to strengthen them and their S.H.G.


  • To undergo a change of consciousness, from a techno-economical consciousness to eco-nominal consciousness, from an alienating to participatory from an optimistic to holistic approach, from secular to spiritual.
  • To develop suitable sports infrastructure at different level, provide facilities for intensive coaching to players, sports person or job aspirants of different age group and different community and to organize formation of rural sports.
  • To co-operate to other institution in the field of activities among organization..
  • To provide guidance and assistance to organization of the poor including youth and women established and promoted by the society or other bodies organizations of similar objectives..
  • To work for development and proper rehabilitation of Leprosy orphans, Widow and destitute.
  • To work for bringing out unity and coherence among different Religious and Faiths.
  • To undertake and assist childcare and welfare program.
  • To support and assist as well as encourage the prevention of unhealthy literature, art, drama, journal publicity materials, Radio, TV, Video and films etc.
  • To encourage young person and support their anticipations and involvement and to open and run the social cultural contras for national integrity and development.
  • To guide and assist the programs arouse social and moral conscience of people.
  • To promote universal brotherhood through meeting and promote cultural information the youths of India and abroad irrespective of community and religious.
  • To celebrate important days and festivals and to inculcate to youth through spread and Swadeshi Ideology.
  • To maintain close contact with other institutions having similar or related objectives either wholly or practically by way as a member their of physical or other sorts of mutual assistance, amalgamation merger collaboration, Co-operation and in any other way the society may deem necessary.
  • To undertake one child family program for population control.
  • Creation of patriotism and leading of moral lift.
  • Removal of destructive prejudices and superstitions and blind believes through scientific temper.
  • To do all such lawful things as the society may deem fit for attainment of all or any of the objectives.
  • Carrying out the programmes of education training research and documentation in disaster reduction programmes, comprehensive rehabilitation programme for social and economical rehabilitation of disaster victims of earth quack, flood, cyclone etc.
  • To provide and accelerate public consciousness towards animal welfare.
  • To publish books, journals etc to aware the people regarding basic science environmental hazards, health problems and other social issues.
  • Conservation, promotion and dissemination of culture of the state by implementing multidimensional cultural activities..
  • Collection of books from various aspect to form library helping the general public to strengthen their concerning knowledge.
  • Creation of farmers club, eco club, Bhagabat tungi etc.
  • Preservation and collection of old Talapatra Pothi.
  • To promote for formation of male self-help group (M.S.H.G) and to impact training for capacity building to strengthen them and their M.S.H.G.